Kajva Armstrong | Senior Associate, Inventory & Volunteer Operations

Kajva Armstrong | Senior Associate, Inventory & Volunteer Operations

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Kajva Armstrong
Senior Associate, Inventory & Volunteer Operations


Kajva Armstrong joined the Site Operations team at Room to Grow in 2021, with ten years of experience in the nonprofit museum industry. Currently, they are the chair of the Educational and Interpretive Media Special Interest Group of the Museum Computer Network. Most recently, they worked at the Boston Children's Museum, where, among their other duties, they were the visitor experience associate representative on the Museum's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committee. A transfemme nonbinary pagan themself, they are excited to continue focusing on social justice work at Room to Grow. They hold a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology, Classical Civilizations, and Museum Studies from Beloit College, where they were a member of TRIO and a Gilman Scholar, and also hold a Graduate Certification in Museum Studies from Tufts University.